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Acknowledgement for Diana Marcia SCAIFE

Cardiff (Caerdydd) | Published in: Western Mail.

O G Harries Ltd
O G Harries Ltd
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Diana MarciaSCAIFEHaydn, Marc, Linley and their family would like to thank family, neighbours and friends for their valuable, practical and sympathetic support during their sad loss of losing a wonderful wife, mother, nurse and special friend. Sincere thanks to the local doctors and district nurses for their professional and sympathetic attention and to the staff of Melbourne House for their kind and thoughtful care. Thanks also to the Reverend Brenig Davies for conducting sincere, memorable service and finally, thanks to Hefin Williams and staff of O.G. Harries Ltd. for their caring and professional manner of their duties throughout this difficult period. A total of £1,040.00 was received in lieu of flowers in aid of Marie Curie. * * * * Dymuna Haydn, Marc, Linley a'u teulu ddiolch i bawb yn deulu, cymdogion a ffrindiau am bob arwydd o gefnogaeth a chydymdeimlad a ddangoswyd iddynyt yn ystod eu profedigaeth o golli gwraig, mam, nyrs a ffrind arbennig ac annwyl a oedd yn 'frenhines yr aelwyd'. Diolch arbennig i'r meddygon a'r nyrsys lleol ac i staff Melbourne House am eu gofal caredig amdani. Diolch i'r niferus lu a ddaeth i'r angladd o bell ac agos ac i'r Parchedig Brenig Davies am ei wasananeth pwrpasol a theimladwy. Yn ogystal, diolch i'r ymgymerwr Hefin Williams o gwmni O.G. Harries Cyf. a'i staff am eu trefniadau proffesiynol a pharchus drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn. Derbyniwyd cyfanswm o £1,040.00 fel rhoddion tuag at Marie Curie.
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Published: 03/06/2023
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